STEM Has Many Branches

STEM Has Many Branches

Anke Audenaert Anke Audenaert
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We often think of the tech evolution as an exciting and lucrative career path for those with an interest and aptitude for fields like engineering and computer science. The emphasis on STEM careers is everywhere, from corporate and government investments to student outreach and engagement initiatives. These focused actions will certainly elevate the quality of STEM learning opportunities and access to them—and result in exciting innovations for the world. But for those of us who aren’t drawn to engineering, how can we find our place in STEM?

Career seekers with a fascination for technology and innovation will find many complementary and equally important roles in what I consider “tech-adjacent” fields. For me, digital marketing is a personal passion and a prime example of a tech-adjacent career. 

Digital marketing is a fascinating field that blends marketing strategy and data analysis with cutting-edge digital communication tools. Roles and opportunities are widespread, including those with a quantitative focus, such as marketing analysts, and others that call for creative skills, such as content creators. The field requires strong communication and project management skills and a desire to stay abreast of rapidly changing tools and technologies. 

To maintain fluency in the field of digital marketing a focused, and frequent, education is required. This education often builds on foundational knowledge obtained through formal secondary education—but emphasizes timely, relevant competency of current industry tools and trends. Platforms, such as Google and Meta, are constantly updating features to better serve marketers and advertisers. For this reason, employers value trained and certified digital marketers for their proof of knowledge and currency in the field. 

Aptly was founded to fill this gap for digital marketers, with high-quality, digital-first programs with a practical learning approach. Our courses specifically target the skills and certifications employers are seeking. For those considering this career path, I want to emphasize that training in digital marketing is worth it. The jobs are abundant, flexible (often remote), and pay well—features that often attract a diverse talent pool. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts 6% growth in the field over the next decade. 

So next time you see a headline about the emphasis on STEM, don’t assume it’s only for app developers and computer scientists. Explore the field more broadly and find your niche. A strong digital marketer builds skills that are easily transferable across industries—and companies will be lucky and grateful to have you. 

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